My sister-in-law Colie has tagged me a couple of times and I never do it so I thought I would this time.
8 things I am passionate about:
1. Church
2. Nate
3. PresLeigh
4. Olivia
5. Gavin
6. Twilight
7. Barak Obama
8. All our family
8 phrases I often say:
1. That's so awesome
2. You've gotta be kidding me
3. Stop It
4. For real
5. cool
6. I love you (if you ask Nate that all I say)
7. Holy Crap
8. Livie get out of the toliet
8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Go to bed when I want and wake up when I want. Just once I feel like that's asking to much.
2. Go on a cruise
3. See all my kids in the temple
4. Get a boob job after kids its much needed
5. Travel with Nate
6. Go back to school
7. Get Nate to eat vegetables
8. Clean my house and have it stay clean for one whole day.
8 things I want or need:
1. A Van
2. to have another baby
3. clothes that fit
4. Gavin to be potty trained
5. Livie to get an attitude adjustment
6. PresLeigh to get into a charter school
7. A food storage
8. go to the temple on a regular basis
8 people I tag (do 8 people even read this!?):
1. Sarah
2. Angie
3. Tara
4. Amber
5. Shannon
6. Allison
7. Breanne
8. Jana