Monday, February 8, 2010

This week at Target

This was an awesome week at Target for me, with Nate shaving his head daily we go through a ton of razors!!

4 travel size baby lotion (orignial price .82) FREE
4 travel size shampoo (original price .97) FREE
3 J&J Travel first aid (original price .97) FREE
5 Bags of reese's pieces (original price 2.69) .69
(I bought these to give to the kids teachers for V-DAY)
6 Fusion Razors (original price 6.99) .49

TOTAL 8.39 with tax I could buy one razor for this price!!!!!!!

Here's the break down. I had internet printables of any size J&J baby wash making them all free. A different J&J $1 coupon for the first aid kit making it free, I had $1 off target coupon for the Reese's pieces and another $1 off manufacturer coupon giving me $2 off making them .69(if a store has coupon and you have a manufacturer coupon you can use them together), the Fusions were on sale for 6.99 I had $4 off coupons that them $2.99 and if you bought 2 razors they gave you a $5 target card making them .49 a piece.


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