Monday, February 8, 2010

This week at Target

This was an awesome week at Target for me, with Nate shaving his head daily we go through a ton of razors!!

4 travel size baby lotion (orignial price .82) FREE
4 travel size shampoo (original price .97) FREE
3 J&J Travel first aid (original price .97) FREE
5 Bags of reese's pieces (original price 2.69) .69
(I bought these to give to the kids teachers for V-DAY)
6 Fusion Razors (original price 6.99) .49

TOTAL 8.39 with tax I could buy one razor for this price!!!!!!!

Here's the break down. I had internet printables of any size J&J baby wash making them all free. A different J&J $1 coupon for the first aid kit making it free, I had $1 off target coupon for the Reese's pieces and another $1 off manufacturer coupon giving me $2 off making them .69(if a store has coupon and you have a manufacturer coupon you can use them together), the Fusions were on sale for 6.99 I had $4 off coupons that them $2.99 and if you bought 2 razors they gave you a $5 target card making them .49 a piece.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby Zac is 2 months old

So Zac was 2 months old on the 2nd, here are his stats.
22 3/4 inches long 50%
11 lbs 9 oz 50%
head 38 cm 10% lol
Facts about baby Zac are, he never sleeps at night(apparently he knows that's when he gets one on one time), if he's awake you have a 75% chance that he will be crying, and he pretty much never smiles or coos unless HE wants too. But the funny thing is I feel so close to him even though he is so difficult we have a very special bond, maybe it's because he is totally his dad;)
So baby Zac is our little model:) He is the pic on the very left, and the third in from the left. This ad was in the value pages and he is also in the front window at Pretty Pictures I've been meaning to take of pic of that and he is also on her website!!
PresLeigh took this picture yesterday and she did a better job than I thought she would.

I love this little man I could kiss his baby lips off in this picture, he looks so sweet!!